Teach preschoolers important problem-solving, language, and early literacy skills using this Mary Had a Little Lamb sequencing activity.
Sequencing teaches kids to make sense of the world around them as they put events in sequential order. It’s a foundational part of storytelling and reading comprehension. This four-step sequencing activity is a great way to practice these skills.
Mary Had a Little Lamb is a nursery rhyme you can add to your back to school, farm animals, or general nursery rhyme preschool plans.
Use this hands-on activity to teach the rhyme itself. Then, kids will practice scissor skills as they cut out the flap book and sequencing pictures.
Finally, discuss the order of events as kids glue the sequencing cards in order to show what happened first, second, third, and fourth in this nursery rhyme.
Upon completion, have preschoolers tell the story in order using the sequencing cards.
This set includes:
• an instruction page
• a background page with the rhyme printed on it
• a flip book
• sequencing cards
Skills taught:
• sequencing
• scissor practice
• ordinal numbers (as you discuss the order of the rhyme)
• number recognition
This is a digital file. You will receive the PDF or .zip file for you to download and print.