Introduce your preschoolers to the alphabet and let them practice matching uppercase and lowercase letters with these dinosaur-themed alphabet matching cards.
Print and laminate the alphabet cards. Decide how you’d like to use these alphabet cards with your preschoolers.

Introduce the alphabet:
Keep the cards intact. Use them as flashcards to practice letter recognition. You can focus on uppercase or lowercase letters. Or, you can use the cards to teach both.
Matching uppercase and lowercase letters:
Cut the alphabet cards in half so that you have a total of 52 letter cards. Have children choose a card and identify the letter. Then, have him search for the match.
You can present two or three cards at a time for young preschoolers. Older preschoolers can sort through the entire alphabet at once.
ABC order:
For children who are proficient at recognizing the letters of the alphabet, you can use these cards to teach the order of the alphabet. Have kids line up the matching cards in the order of the alphabet.
You can make the activity self-checking by placing small matching stickers on the back of each set. Then, kids can match the letters, turn the cards over, and check to see if the stickers match. If so, they matched the letters correctly!